Author Archives: bigsound
I had several conversations with well known musicians /songwriters who have millions of downloads on Spotify yet they are getting crumbs as far as royalties are concern, I also understand that It’s not the same to sell an actual physical record or CD to sell a download, no one is selling either, the owners of Spotify are making a killing (are they?) the songwriter not unless you are Taylor swift, What is the answer? songwriters have zero leverage , are musicians (the big names) trying to talk to the movers and shakers on our behalf? or this is the generation of the lame? or resign yourself to the fact that songwriting (unless you are a Max Martin) is not lucrative anymore. Can someone who is actually knows, not the average Joe enlighten me? Thank you.
My latest award

It was given to me on February 28th for my service as a music producer in the Atlanta area, I was speechless and very grateful and to all of you I thank you much.
Recording and mixing lessons
Now I’m offering recording and mixing lessons. With today’s technology one can actually get decent recording gear for a lot less and you can do more, but one thing that you can’t buy in the music store is knowledge,
Here are some points to think about.
1 – In the Recording schools is harder to learn when the teacher has his attention divided among 20 to 30 students so its impossible to give everyone the help they are going to need.
2-Your time using the school’s expensive gear will be limited to a ratio that is directly proportional to your class size.
3- Why spend 20k a year or more for a diploma that is useless, if you are lucky enough to land an interview they will be more interested in the work that you have done, their ears will decide.
During the recording course I will offer you my undivided attention and will answer any question you may have.
It is a hand’s on course, and you will have a solid foundation on recording technology.
My course will cost a fraction of what a college course will cost and you won’t have to spend most of your adult life paying that school loan, you will be much better off taking my course and buying some good recording gear so that you can apply all you will learn with me on your own projects.
For more information about my course copy the link and paste it on your browser.
I also offer gift certificates
New Monitors
Got a pair of Focal powered monitors, I had a pair of KS powered monitors and out of nowhere for no reason the transformer fell on top of the circuit board and shorted everything inside, I called the company and It was a total disappointment, no customer service what so ever so I’m done with that company, no good reviews from me, my new Focal monitors sound awesome and they have a great reputation in the industry. UPDATE I was lucky to meet this genius in electronics who repaired my damaged KS digital speaker so I will be able to use It,
Still the KS digital company is Shit.
To my fellow musicians
Hi everyone who is considering recording at some point, I will like to invite you to visit my website and check it out, I’m a recording engineer/producer/musician with many years of experience in every aspect of music and willing to help you with your songs so that they can sound great! and if you have any questions please do call me and I will gladly talk to you and will also work within your budget I’ve been there too.
I can help you with your music
Rappers rappers rappers.....
Hi bloggers, the holidays are gone so now it’s time to first, loose the weight (turkey, stuffing, rum cake, fruit cake, eggnog etc….. and put the pedal to the metal to make this year be a very productive year.
I stumbled with something very curious and it is a concept that is wrong and knowing me I can’t be PC or give in to ignorance, my problem is that now the RAPPERS call a small sound bite that has a BASS, KEYS, DRUMS…etc… a beat…. no!!!!!!! a beat are ONLY percussive instruments like for example drums playing a beat and not the rest of the instruments, when all the instruments are being played it’s called an instrumental piece, but not a beat for example I get a loop of a drummer playing funk I call It a funk beat because It’s a beat.
After all being said I still love all my clients and will help them so that their music sounds the best it can sound.
UPDATE RAPPERS RAPPERS RAPPERS, I WAS WRONG, YES I WAS, WHY? BECAUSE IN RAP TERMINOLOGY A BEAT IS A LOOP one can select a couple of bars of (for example) an instrumental song, and make it into a loop, that is what a beat is, in the past rap didn’t exist therefore neither did the term. So there.
Yes Merry Christmas my dear bloggers.
Yes Merry Christmas , I am not politically correct, Christmas is a beautiful holiday that we Christians celebrate in this great country of ours and now more than ever i say it loudly and clear , not only because I’m a christian but it is also an American tradition, we love our Christmas tree, our Frosty the snow man our nativity scene, our ginger bread cookies, our beautiful Christmas carols …. It’s our Christmas season in which we celebrate the birth of our savior Jesus Christ, I have so many Jewish friends who love Christmas and they don’t mind It so If anyone tells you that wishing someone a merry Christmas is not being inclusive…. reject that argument …..
Tea and honey anyone?
Hi , welcome to my blog, I was thinking about the many times that I got the same thing happen on a session , so I decided to elaborate on that , many times in past recording sessions I had singers come to the studio and start singing and we end up going through the song so many times and I am not talking about the many times that singers are expected to sing in order to have several takes and select the best parts, I’m talking just warming up, many of my singer clients sometimes ask me if I have water or tea with honey or tea and lemon and honey other even ask me for throat coat (a tea good for vocal chords) that problem can be very easily solved with warming up your vocal chords for 30 minutes before the session, usually singers end up getting the best takes after the vocal chords are warm, but when you are paying by the hour … your pocket suffers, so remember, 30 minutes to one hour before the recording session do warm up your vocal chords.
Original music
Hi, This is David again, welcome to my blog, lately I was thinking on posting my songs on line and I’m not sure if I should ad a page to BIGSOUND PRODUCTIONS ATL or just make another website only for original songs with the sole purpose of showcasing them, it will be done soon enough, just wanted to share that piece of information with you.